The DX Central MW Frequency Challenge is officially OPEN!
The Frequency challenge consists of trying to log as many stations on a single frequency as you possibly can - and we all do it together at the same time!
This week's frequency: 910 kHz
Use the link below to submit your loggings starting now through the end of our live stream on Saturday during DXC Live!
Let's see what all we can hear!
Google Form for Loggings: https://forms.gle/miJJ6rE81uuyNDzG9
Don't forget to join us for the premiere of Season 2 of DXC Live on Saturday, Nov, 27th at 0145 UTC at youtube.com/c/dxcentral
I've been looking at your frequency challenge exercises. Could you please add a date for the specific challenge, including the year as I keep find older challengers but no clue as to whether they are current or historical maybe link to the active challenge. Keep up the great work, very informative and interesting
Be well
John- Oak Ridge TN