Equipment Reviews
Reviews of DX-related equipment for AM and FM DX, written from the perspective of a DXer, not an eningeer. Real-world examples of DX usage are included as much as possible and plan language is used to make it easier for a DXer of any experience-level to be able to comprehend. If you have a piece of equipment you would like to see put to the DX Central test, send us an email at info@dxcentralonline.com and we will take a look to see if it meets our criteria for consideration.
Equipment reviews do not constitute an endorsement of the reviewed product. Suppliers and vendors that wish to have their equipment reviewed may contact info@dxcentralonline.com for arrangements. However, DX Central does NOT accept free products in exchange for favorable reviews.
To be considered for review, a product must:
Be useful for AM and/or FM DXing pursuits
Be available commercially to DXers (preferred) or easily constructible for any experience level of DXer (i.e. antennas that require minimal to no soldering, etc.)
Include contact information from the seller/provider so that consumers may contact them directly for support and/or additional questions
All reviews, unless otherwise noted on the review, are conducted by Loyd Van Horn, W4LVH. If you wish to reprint/use a review in your publication/online, contact Loyd directly at info@dxcentralonline.com for arrangements. Reviews are for personal use only and unauthorized use or duplication of these reviews is strictly prohibited.