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MW Frequency Challenge - Week 15 results and Week 16 Announcement (693 - 783 kHz)

Writer's picture: DX Central:  Loyd, W4LVHDX Central: Loyd, W4LVH

Another fun week for many DXers, 920 kHz proved to be a bit more challenging than one would think. This week we received loggings of 70 receptions from 17 DXers in 13 States, 2 Canadian Provinces and 3 countries. There were 30 unique stations logged this week from 920 kHz from stations in 21 states, 2 Canadian Provinces and 3 countries.

As a reminder, our live streams on Sunday nights have been so much fun getting to interact and hear about what you heard in the previous week. If you haven't been able to make it to a livestream yet, you are missing out! Join us Sundays at 1945 CST / 0145 UTC (Monday morning, UTC) on our YouTube channel:

For week 15:

Most Logged Stations: We had a first this week with the MW Frequency Challenge as the top spot was split by 3 DXers with 7 logs each: Rob Keeney (SC), John Johnson (AZ) and Niel Wolfish (ON). The competition was tight though as Bill Coury (MI) was close behind with 6 receptions and Linda Brodsky (NY) and Mark Connelly (MA) were right behind with 5 receptions.

Most Logged US States: With so many DXers relatively close to each other in totals, it came down to one state for Rob Keeney to take the top spot with 6 states: FL,GA,IN,NC,TN,VA. Second place was a tie between Bill Coury, John Johnson and Niel Wolfish all with 5 states each.

Most Logged Countries: Multiple DXers heard two countries during this week, with some hearing US and Mexico, others US and Canada.

Furthest Logging: Greg Harris in IL used his ICOM R-75 and Quantum Loop combination (what a combo that is!) to snag KLMR in CO at a distance of 1,371 miles to take the distance title this week. Rounding out the top 10 were: Steve McDonald (BC) with 1,122 mile reception of CFRY (MB); Mark Connelly (MA) with a 1,108 mile reception of WDMC in FL; Greg Harris with a 1,059 mile reception of WGKA in GA; Troy Porter (OH) with a 1,050 mile reception of CFRY; John Johnson with a 1,026 mile reception of KXLY in WA; Niel Wolfish (ON) with a 993 mile reception of CKNX in ON; Linda Brodsky (NY) with a 955 mile reception of WDMC in VA; Dennis Bannister (VA) with a 710 mile reception of WDMC in FL and Greg Harris with a 686 mile reception of CKNX in ON.

Loyd/DX Central Numbers:

  • 4 stations logged

  • 3 states logged: AR, LA, GA

  • 2 countries logged: USA and Mexico

  • 972 miles (XERE in Mexico)

Most Logged Station: Taking the top spot this week was Ontario station CKNX with 10 loggings. WURA (VA) was close with 8 receptions this week.

Most Logged State/Province: Unsurprisingly, ON (10) and VA (8) took the top two spots for most heard Canadian Province/State. FL and IN were right behind with 5 each.

Most Logged Country (outside of US): Canadian stations brought in 13 receptions this week for the top spot above Mexico (3).

Busiest Time of Day: While the busiest time of the day continued to be overnight with 43% (30) of all loggings, Sunrise took a big leap this week with DXers rising early to catch receptions for 31% (22) of all loggings. Sunset (20%) and Daytime (5.7%) brought in the remaining logs.

Most Used Receiver: The gap between SDRs and everything else continues to widen a bit each week, with 50 receptions this week from SDRs. SDRPlay took the top spot this week with 22 receptions on this brand of SDR. Airspy (12), Winradio (7) and Perseus (6) were also widely used. Portables were a small number of logs, but some good ones there with 12 total logs. Tecsun and C. Crane portables split with 5 logs each. Desktops are also making a come back with 7 total logs between a Drake R8 and ICOM R75.

Most Used Antenna: Once again, Mag Loops were bringing in the DX with 38 receptions made using a mag loop this week. Of those, 24 were with a Wellbrook loop, W6LVP and MLA-30 loops were used for 6 receptions each. "Other" loops such as the Quantum and Tecsun passive loops brought in 12 receptions. Term loops were also widely used with 10 receptions.

Our focus now turns to week 16 and another range of frequencies to contend with: 639-783 kHz There is a little bit of something here for everyone with trans-oceanic, Latin Americans and domestic stations galore in this range.

Submissions should be made for this week's challenge using the Google Form found at:


Logs for Week 16 will only be accepted for stations received between 0300 UTC Monday, March 7th, 2022 and 0300 UTC Monday, March 14th (will be announcing the closing during our live stream of DX Central Live!). Logs must be for licensed stations received between 693 - 783 kHz. Logs must be from your own equipment using WebSDRs is allowed for reference, but will not be counted towards the challenge (unless it is YOUR WebSDR). If you do log from a WebSDR, be sure to mark your location as from the location of the WebSDR itself, not your home location. All loggings must be submitted using our Google Form at Submissions by any other form including social media, email, etc. will not be accepted.

An eCertificate will be sent to the DXer with the most logged stations during the challenge time period. Additional eCertificates may be presented at the discretion of DX Central.

Have fun, 73 and best of DX!

Loyd - W4LVH

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