Another great week of DX and another productive one for us at DX Central and for many DXers, according to the logs! We spent the week diving back into another graveyard frequency (1490) and the results speak for themselves!
As a reminder, our live streams on Sunday nights have been so much fun getting to interact and hear about what you heard in the previous week. If you haven't been able to make it to a livestream yet, you are missing out! Join us Sundays at 1945 CST / 0145 UTC (Monday morning, UTC) on our YouTube channel: youtube.com/c/dxcentral
A total of 22 DXers from three countries (Mexico, Canada and the US) and 18 US States brought in 127 logs for Week 11 of our MW Frequency Challenge. 76 unique stations in 34 U.S. states and three countries made it to this week's log.
Most Logged Stations: We have a new champion this week! Indiana's Tom Laskowski hit the band hard this week, bringing in 23 logs in one week on a graveyard frequency (WHOA!). Not too far behind Tom was Saul Chernos (ON) hauling in 16 logs and Bruce Portzer (WA) with 14 stations logged.
Most Logged States: Tom Laskowski also led the way in heard U.S. states with 12 logged states this week: IA, IL, KY, MD, MI, MN, MO, NE, OH, PA, WI and WV.
Most Logged Countries: The only international logs this week came from Bruce Portzer (WA) logging CJSN in SK, Canada and Mike Jeziorski (Mexico) logging a local station there in Mexico.
Furthest Logging: Once again, Bruce Portzer (WA) once again brought home the mileage prize with his logging of KZEZ (UT) at 826 miles. Bruce also brought home the second place spot with his log of KUGR (WY) at 735 miles. James Niven (TX) and his reception of KDRO (MO) at 636 miles; Bruce logging CJSN (SK) at 622 miles; Mike Jeziorski (Mexico) with KWMC (TX) at 598 miles; Steve McDonald (BC) with KDBM (MT) at 560 miles; Tom Laskowski (IN) with KXRA (MN) at 540 miles; James Niven (TX) with WHOC (MS) at 536 miles; and Tom Laskowski (IN) with KIBM (NE) at 508 miles all rounded out the top 10.
Loyd/DX Central Numbers:
7 stations logged
4 states logged AR, LA, MS, TX
1 countries logged (USA)
392 miles (KPLT in Paris, Texas)
Most Logged Station: WOSH in Oshkosh, WI was logged by five DXers as our most heard station of the week. WERE (OH) and WNTJ (PA) were close behind with four logs each.
Most Logged State/Province: Ohio took the top spot for heard U.S. states with 13 receptions. Pennsylvania was close behind with 10 receptions.
Most Logged Country (outside of US): Canada and Mexico both were logged once, as the only international receptions this week.
Busiest Time of Day: Once again, overnight DX was the busiest daypart with 54% (69 logs) of all receptions made during overnight hours. Sunset saw 21% (26 logs) of receptions, Sunrise had 17% (22 logs) with Daytime seeing 7.9% (10 logs) of the workload.
Most Used Receiver: SDRs continue to be the most commony used radios, but the use of portable radios took a sharp dive this week. 102 loggings of the 127 total logs (80%) were made with an SDR. Airspy's HF+ Discovery has become increasingly popular and took the top spot this week with 37 loggings (36% of SDR receptions). Perseus was right behind with 34 loggings and SDRPlay SDRs were used 21 times. Portables only brought in 5 loggings, with C. Crane's two receptions being the most used. Desktop receivers actually took the 2nd spot with 17 receptions.
Most Used Antenna: Mag Loops continue to be the most popular way for DXers to bring in DX with 83 receptions (65% of all logs). Wellbrook loops (36 receptions) continue to be the most popular, but Airspy's YouLoop (27 logs) is quickly catching up. MLA-30s are also being commonly used with 10 receptions this week.
See the full export of data at our Google Sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OguJie9ywtvsAs-JFfYijzyv4iAEg3yY2u1JTkHqlBE/edit?usp=sharing
Our focus now turns to week 12 and our new frequency: 1080 kHz. This is a bit of a test to see how a largely clear channel frequency (with options for lower powered loggings) does.
Our Google Form for Week 12 can be found here: https://forms.gle/YfQGr5gRkn57EgaE9
Logs for Week 12 will only be accepted for stations received between 0300 UTC Monday, February 7, 2022 and 0300 UTC Monday, February 14th (will be announcing the closing during our live stream of DX Central Live!). Logs must be for licensed stations received on 1080 kHz. Logs must be from your own equipment using WebSDRs is allowed for reference, but will not be counted towards the challenge (unless it is YOUR WebSDR). If you do log from a WebSDR, be sure to mark your location as from the location of the WebSDR itself, not your home location. All loggings must be submitted using our Google Form at https://forms.gle/YfQGr5gRkn57EgaE9 Submissions by any other form including social media, email, etc. will not be accepted.
An eCertificate will be sent to the DXer with the most logged stations during the challenge time period. Additional eCertificates may be presented at the discretion of DX Central.
Have fun, 73 and best of DX!
Loyd - W4LVH