DX Central and Loyd Van Horn are pleased to announce the latest challenge for MW DXers to test their skills against the temperament of the ionosphere with the 2024 Summer of DX challenge, open now through 2359 UTC on August 31, 2024.

"Who says that mediumwave season ends in May? Definitely not us," says Van Horn. "Some of my best MW DX catches ever have come through in the summer months. While more difficult, the patient and determined DXer can reap fantastic results by braving the lightning crashes and summer static for MW DX!"
The Summer of DX challenge is open to any DXer, worldwide, for any station broadcasting between 530 and 1710 kHz. There will be point values assessed for each entry and final point totals will be calculated after the conclusion of the challenge. Results will be presented during the season premiere of Season 5 of the popular DX Central Live! DX-themed livestream in the fall of 2024.
"We made a conscience effort with our scoring setup for this challenge to try to level the playing field as much as we could to remove biases such as the use of SDRs or proximity to stations, that some DXers may see as discouraging for participation," says Van Horn.
"I wanted to make this something that any DXer around the word would want to actively be a part of!"
Those interested in participating can find a full list of rules, scoring information and other details at the challenge Web site: dxchallenges.com. Once registered, DXers can begin submitting their logs and accumulating points!
DX Central is a multimedia platform that specializes in mediumwave (AM) and FM DX and related topics. The platform includes a web site with written educational material on MW and FM DX, propagation, equipment reviews and more; a popular weekly livestream during the peak of MW season in the Northern Hemisphere with live DX, discussions around DX-related topics and active participation from viewers; the DX Central YouTube channel with a large assortment of videos including instructional videos from the DX101 and Radio101 series as well as MW and FM identification airchecks to aid DXers in identifying their own DX catches; and the host of a series of weekly frequency challenges during the peak of MW DX season to motivate DXers to push their skills and help them hear more stations!
The DX Central Platform:
I really spent quite bit of my time DXing for this challenge and, in the end, I felt the "challenge" aspect was, too exaggerate a little, a scam. It was communicated that the results would be disclosed on the show at the end of September. So come showtime, the Challenge was briefly discussed, and then there was disclosure that the whole point system was not fairly representing the DX submissions therefore the point system was changed and then the results were briefly shown on camera. I'm not seeing any posting online with the results and I was curious as to how the results were determined. What was once a fun "Challenge" to receive distant stations merely became nothing more…
Typically I don't do much dx-ing during the summer but your Summer Of DX has kept me at it. I've been having a ball trying different radios and antenna configurations. I apprecaite your efforts with this.